Jogging man in park Jogging man in park

Commu­ni­ca­tions campaign for ABTEI

Liquid Magnesium is the first dietary supplement that allows the direct intake of magnesium in liquid form and is available in drugs­tores. Such were the facts we needed to distill into a succinct message for a range of target groups.

The theme of ‘keep moving’ was subse­quently adopted in four spots; three of these appealed to their respective target groups, while the fourth aimed at all groups simul­ta­ne­ously. The adver­ti­se­ments were played out on TV and in print media, while 3D posts continued to be placed on the ABTEI social media channels of Facebook and Instagram (paid media).

Opened Abtei Magazine
Smartphone Mockups mit Abtei Facebook Posts für eine Kommunikationskampagne